Old photo

Etang et Forges des Troncais.  circa..  1788

History of the forest The forest of Tronçais, present, past ......

 Bark of an old Tronçais oak, more than 350 years old -

2011: Attribution of the "Forêt d'exception" label Ouote.

I invite you to read my opinion on logging in the forest of Tronçais, The tree that hides the forest, or how the NFB seriously transforms the forest of Tronçais today.

Today some of the cognacs and wines of Bordeaux are preserved in oak barrels from this forest, the oaks of high quality are worked in cabinet making, the most mediocre, firewood.

- 1994: Creation of the Nantigny Wildlife Reserve, 98.55 ha, less than 1% of the forest area.

- 1976: Revolution raised to 250 years for trees of better quality.

- 1928: Revolution raised to 225 years.

- 1869: Revision of the layout. Revolution raised to 180 years.

- 1850: Creation of the Pirot lake to supply the Berry canal with water.

- 1835: After the death of Nicolas Rambourg in 1827, which leaves the forest bleeding, Mr Buffévent implements a complete study of the forest and decides on a development in solid forest at the revolution of 160 years and introduces the Scots pine in the areas where the oak regenerates badly.

- 1822: Creation of the lake of Murten to feed forges of the same name.

- 1803: Pond of Troncais Creation of the lake of Saloup which will serve as reservoir to the lakes of Tronçais and St Bonnet.

- 1789: Autumn at the pond of Saloup Creation of the Tronçais lake to supply the forges with energy.

- 1794: Acquisition of the lake of ST Bonnet and enlargement for the forges of Sologne.

- 1788: Nicolas Rambourg obtains a concession on two-thirds of the forest in order to feed charcoal his ironworks installed in Tronçais, A few years later, the oak grove is again in bad condition.

- 1670: Colbert decides on the redevelopment of the forest, which is then in a dismal state; plantations and sowing are done for the production of marine timber over a 200-year cycle. This was the beginning of the renovation of the Tronçais massif.

- 1665: Tronçais is bounded and divided into 9 guards, the area listed is then 9396 ha.

- Until 1527: Owned by the dukes of Bourbon, the forest of Tronçais is confiscated and attached to the crown of France under Francis I and belongs to the state since; as such, it is managed by the National Forest Office (ONF).

Around 1327: The duchy of Bourbon is created in favor of little son of ST Louis, the parishes leave the forest to the lords of Bourbon. - In the middle Ages : St Mayeul Chapel,  Christianity is established, the priories and monasteries settle on the edge and in the clearings. This is the beginning of clearing. The forest is held by 14 parishes.

- Gallo-Roman period: The forest extended over a much larger area from Moulins to Bourges, from the Allier valley to the Cher valley. The current forests of Moladier, Bagnolet, Civrais, Messarges, Gros-Bois and Dreuille are not elsewhere than sections of the original Tronçais. It served as a refuge for people during the invasions and allowed them to live.

Locals- near the charcoal burners cottages-Troncais forge in distance

Locals- near the charcoal burners cottages-Troncais forge in distance

Bark of 350 year old tree

Bark of 350 year old tree

Pirot - created to supply water for the canal du Berry

Pirot - created to supply water for the canal du Berry